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Elev8 Hypnosis New Client Forms and Client Bill of Rights

New Client Forms

The link below takes you to an online form to get started on everything you need for your first hypnosis session.  It includes a link to the 'Informed Consent' and 'Client Bill Of Rights' as well as some background information to help us make progress quickly.  A link to this form will also be sent out in your booking confirmation email. 

Informed Consent

It is really important to us that you understand what hypnosis is, and what it isn't.  The 'Informed Consent' form really just explains this in more detail.  For your convenience, this form is included in the 'New Client Intake Package' so you can just start there!

Client Bill of Rights

As a client, we want you to understand how we work and explain your rights and expectations.  The 'Client Bill of Rights' explains all of this in more detail.  For your convenience, this form is included in the 'New Client Intake Package' so you can just start there!

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